Carmel Apple Teacher Gifts

Are you looking for a cute and simple Christmas gift to give to your children’s teachers?  Look no further.  For about $5 each, you can create these delicious caramel apple bundles.  I bought my caramel sauce at Trader Joes, hand picked the largest, most colorful red and green apples I could find, made my own gift tags from tan card stock, and purchased a package of bells and long clear bags at Michael’s.  I stacked the apples carefully on top of the caramel sauce and tied them off with a piece of twine.  And there you have it…a quick, easy, and inexpensive, but very festive Christmas gift for your children’s teachers. You can also add mini ornaments and ribbon if you want to invest a bit more money into these festive gifts.  #CommissionsEarned

For more fun Christmas ideas check out the following blogposts:

Floral Embroidered Christmas Tree

Glittery Christmas Silhouettes


Turn Dad Into A Snowman

Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses