Monogrammed Marshmallow Pops (Stirring Anniversary)

My husband is the Venue Manager at our church and occasionally he asks me to make a special dessert to pass out on a Sunday morning.  One year ago, we launched the Stirring Coffeehouse. First anniversary of the grand opening…now that’s something to celebrate!  200 marshmallow pops coming right up! For these pops, I used Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, Lollipop sticks, bright white Wilton’s candy melts for the “S” logos, dark cocoa Wilton’s candy melts, Nestle’s mini chocolate chips, a Wilton’s squeeze bottle, and wax paper.

Check out my marshmallow pop tutorials to learn the basics of how to make amazing marshmallow pops.

Valentine Marshmallow Pops

Trolls (Poppy & Branch) Marshmallow Pops

3 Simple St. Patrick’s Day Treats

Halloween Marshmallow Pops

To create the monogrammed letters, simply print out a template with the letter of your choice, in your preferred font.  You can copy and paste the same letter several times on one sheet, or spell out a name or word.  Place wax paper over the top of your template and tape the wax paper down.  Use Wilton’s Candy Melts in a squeeze bottle to trace the monogrammed letters onto the wax paper.  Let them set, carefully peel off, and place them onto your dipped mallow pops.



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